The information on this site primarily originates from extensive research conducted at the Whim Museum archive library and through online searches of old bookstores worldwide. Additionally, relevant books have been purchased to supplement the research efforts. While community members contribute valuable information, it is important to note that this site is not monetized, and no solicitations are made for references. Recognition is extended to these individuals and entities for their contributions.
- Craig Harms
Sea Thru Kayaks VI, LLC, 9001 Salt River Marina, Christiansted, VI 00820 – 340-244-8696
Who provided additional research for the Forts of St Croix post., - Daniel Hopkins
Whose vast research papers on St Croix have been invaluable.
University of Missouri Kansas City, Geosciences, Emeritus - Sarah Vasquez
Sarah provided the photos of Monks Bath, and is also a co-administrator of the Facebook group St Croix Nessie Sightings. I think she is a very talented photographer, and I hope she manages to find the time to pursue her interest. - Michael Hartlage
Michael and I were chatting one day at Off the Wall, and he raised the anecdotal belief regarding mongoose. We got to talking about Hams Bluff Lighthouse, which spurred my research post. I am looking to the developments this will bring. - Dru Thomas Quarles
Dru provided recent pictures of the Hams Bluff lighthouse and is also a contributing writer to the Facebook group US Virgin Islands Travel, Life & Community. - Theresa Maria Frorup-Alie
who, without any hesitation, provided a substantial quantity of Bay Tree photographs for the Trees of St Croix page. - Sandra Sanford
who provided cultural and practical usage information about Kapok trees. - Deedra Raborn
who provided the picture of Golden Shower for the Trees of St Croix page. - Charlene Cantrell
for allowing me to her home to photograph Moringa and Ackee.