
Location: 17°44’16.50″N 64°51’13.00″W

Orangegrove, which spans Prince and West End Quarters, and not to be confused with Orange Grove in Company Quarter, is without doubt my favorite sugar windmill. Notice the danish ballast bricks that we see so frequently on St Croix, have been built into the structure, but standing a little proud of the fieldstone of the rest of the structure. The bricks would originally have been different shades surrounding orange, and the light grey cement plastering of the fieldstone in between would have made this mill a truly beautiful sight.

In 2012, friends who had been living on the estate and getting ready to move, invited me to photograph the estate for their memories. Below are some of the photos, including some surrealistic HDR interpretations.

I shot all of these with my backup camera, because my main camera was in for repair, and it only had a 2GB card, so I had to keep walking back to my car to do a dump to my laptop, on an ankle that had been rebuilt with titanium only 8 months previously. That’s not germane to except that it is a labor of love.

Sugar Windmill Main Slot 20120121
Google Earth showing the Mill, Great House ruins, and Chimney.
Sugar Windmill Machine Slot
A pre 2017 postcard of Orangegrove
Looking out the Main and Bagasse slot
View out the Machine slot

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