Did the Mongoose fail in Controlling Rats
The island of St. Croix is renowned for its adorable Indian mongoose, Herpestes javanicus, often spotted engaging in daring encounters with passing traffic. A prevalent misconception perpetuated by locals, tour guides, and taxi drivers is the belief that the introduction of mongooses in 1870 to manage the rat population was unsuccessful due to their differing activity patterns – rats being nocturnal whereas mongooses are diurnal. Contrary to popular belief, this assertion is far from accurate.
A closer examination of the exports of sugar, rum, and molasses in the subsequent years reveals a notable increase unrelated to any other factor. The truth of the matter lies in the behavior of nocturnal rats, which would tunnel into the root system of sugarcane for nesting and feeding, ultimately leading to the demise of the crop. The severity of the situation prompted plantation owners to seek remedies. Rats would reproduce within their nests, providing an opportunity for diurnal mongooses to enter and prey on the offspring, effectively reducing their numbers. In this regard, the introduction of mongooses proved to be a successful endeavor.
Nevertheless, the unintended repercussions of introducing mongooses resulted in them becoming an invasive species that posed a threat to the island’s indigenous wildlife. This invasive species is notably responsible for the absence of snakes on the island.