
Explore the rich historical background of St. Croix, including colonial periods, indigenous peoples, slavery, emancipation, and post-colonial developments.

Monks Bath

Location: 17°45’44.99″N 64°53’10.14″WEstate Northside. NA-37 Monks Bath is a feature, located in the north-west of St Croix, approximately 3.7 miles north of Frederiksted. According to one story, monks carved the pool to stay clean without using their fresh drinking water. However, others say that the pool was built in the 1950s or 60s by property owners who

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The Demon Rum

“Give intoxicating drink to one who is perishing,And wine to one whose life is bitter.Let him drink and forget his poverty,And remember his trouble no more.” Proverbs 31:6-7 [NASB] The history of fermented beverages dates back to ancient times. Evidence from the late Stone Age suggests that intentionally fermented drinks were already in existence during the Neolithic

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